Sunday, July 3, 2011

History of Tablet PC From ancient times until now, Part 2

Hi, I will continue the article on the history of tablet pc,

- Zenith CruisePad (1995) 

This super-slim portable tablet price of $ 1,399 when it was released.

- Fujitsu Stylistic 2300 (1998):

This tablet is one of the first that offers a color touchscreen.

 - Compaq Tablet (2001):

Bill Gates himself debuted this tablet PC Compaq tech fair in 2001, predicts that tablet PCs will dominate the market within five years. The device popularized the term 'tablet PC. "

- Microsoft Smart Display (2002)

Tablet-like Windows Smart Display (aka Mira) is a touchscreen LCD monitor that is connected to a PC via Wi-Fi. The film was released in early 2003 and, not successfully penetrate the market, was canceled at the end of that same year.

- Motion Computing LS800 (2005):

Although a physical keyboard attached to the tablet PC has become a trend in 2005, some touchscreen devices-still, like the Motion Computing LS800 tablet $ 1,899.

- Axiotron ModBook (2007):

A kind of forerunner to the iPad, a tablet PC this ModBook is a MacBook that has been converted into a tablet PC (but not manufactured by Apple). Axitron cost $ 800 for the ModBook, but the customer must provide / MacBook her own, bringing the price closer to $ 2,000. (Including a physical keyboard.)

- Apple iPad (2010):

Minimum ($ 499) Apple iPad is being touted by Apple as the "magical and revolutionary". Examiner has been raving about the product, but market success remains to be seen.

- HP Slate (2010):

The Slate HP, which Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show 2010, is rumored to be released in June. The Slate HP offers several features iPad shortcomings, such as the compatibility of Flash Player.

- Google Android Tablet (2010):

Google has announced it will release its own tablet PC to rival the iPad, although there are a few details and no set release date.

-  Cisco Cius, Tablet Profesional Base of Android (2010?):

steps Apple, Cisco soon release his first tablet computer. However, this device will not be sold retail to the consumer market because it is aimed at the needs of professionals in the corporate market.

Tablet named Cius platform based on open source Android made ​​by Google. Cius planned to be launched starting later this year and sold the prime early 2011.


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